Study Tour
Acre, Brazil

Reducing emissions

04 Jul to 08 Jul, 2016

Reducing emissions

“At first, I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realize I am fighting for humanity.” Chico Mendes, Brazilian environmentalist.

Like Chico Mendes legacy, in the future, 2015 will stay less in our memory as a year of crisis and global tensions, but mostly when two magical moments decisive for our collective future happened: The Sustainable Development Goals, by placing the protection of the environment on equal terms with economic and social development; and the Paris Agreement, representing a milestone for a new sustainable development moment by committing the planet to climate security. 2016 is the time to invest in the realisation of such commitments to convert both agreements into real change.

Willing to take part in this process, the NGP study tour will explore how in Acre, the government is conserving native forests, offering the most significant climate mitigation benefit. The participants will experience: working with Government, IMC, CDSA and CAR on sustainability and climate policies; visiting large-scale and family-farmers of Rubber, Açaí and Timber plantations; learning about Community, Cooperative and Privately managed plantations; walking in the forest hearing the story of Chico Mendes; and reading human-books in Rio Branco. 

On its characteristic style, NGP will challenge participants perceptions as they take part in site visits, practical exercises and interactive conversations. WWF and the Government of Acre, the co-hosts of this Study Tour, are working together highly motivated in preparing an unforgettable high quality and relevant expedition.

04 Jul to 08 Jul, 2016

Reducing emissions


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