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NGP'S Peer to Peer talks

12 Jun to 12 Jun, 2023

NGP'S Peer to Peer talks

Are you working on Landscapes or Bankable Nature Solution Projects?

Do you want to join a network of colleagues all over the world that are doing similar projects?

Join our peer-to-peer talks to get inspired by other initiatives and explore solutions to the challenges we all face!

What are the NGP’s peer-to-peer talks? The talks are intended to be a quarterly space of learning and exchange among professionals working on Landscapes and Bankable Nature Solution (BNS) projects applying the NGP sustainability principles.

Why the talks? The goal of the talks is to create a learning and exchange space to strengthen the skills of professionals to develop and implement Landscape and BNS projects. We want to contribute to create a network of practitioners connected to support each other and scale up impact.

For whom? The talks are an open space, meaning that anyone working on Landscape and BNS projects can participate. We are looking for a diverse composition of participants, from project developers to investors, so that the exchange and learning among participants can be as rich as possible. No affiliation is needed and neither commitment to participate in the periodic talks, although we hope that they will be so valuable for you that you won’t want to miss them!

Past Events

NGP's Peer to Peer talks #1, 12th of June 2023 - The first goal of this meeting was to experience learning together. We were able to achieve this, thanks to three different projects that presented one of their biggest challenges to all participants, so that we could explore together possible ways to overcome them.

Our second goal for this meeting was to map the learning needs of the participants. We insisted that we want this space to be YOUR space, and to accomplish that, we want to design future meeting agendas based on your learning needs. Therefore, we conducted a mapping exercise in which participants responded to the question: What keeps you up at night (in your projects/work)?


Next event:

NGP's Peer to Peer talks 2, Out 2023 - Thematic session on “Financial Strategy” - In this second meeting we will hold a thematic session on developing financial strategies and finding the right investor/mechanism to support its implementation

Wed, 11 October 2023 10.00-12.00 GMT

More information here

12 Jun to 12 Jun, 2023

NGP'S Peer to Peer talks


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