Limoges, France

NGP|IUFRO Forest Plantations in Resilient Landscapes Study Tour

27 Sep to 29 Sep, 2022

NGP|IUFRO Forest Plantations in Resilient Landscapes Study Tour

Douglas fir plantations are part of the Limousin’s territorial mosaic, whose landscape is mainly made up of meadows and forests: oak, chestnut and Douglas fir. The plantations were established at the end of the Second World War in a context of abandonment of agricultural land and lack of wood. We are now in the phase of harvesting and reconstitution of these stands that are reaching maturity.

This study tour will go across the Limousin’s territorial mosaic landscape to explore how plantations can be integrated into resilient landscapes. You will have the opportunity to get a deep overview into the concept of New Generation Plantations and to get to know different case studies from other parts of the world.

The Pôle de Lanaud building, created to promote the Limousine cattle breed and built with the local Douglas fir timber will serve as the perfect scenario to discuss with the landscape stakeholders the actual challenges that the plantations sector is facing to make a positive impact into the mosaic landscape.

This event will be translated to French and English 

Join us in Limoges, France! 

27 Sep to 29 Sep, 2022

NGP|IUFRO Forest Plantations in Resilient Landscapes Study Tour

La forĂȘt du plateau de Millevaches

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