Virtual Study Tour
Bahia, Brazil

Co-creating Land-Use projects in Southern Bahia

29 Jun to 01 Jul, 2020

Co-creating Land-Use projects in Southern Bahia

Forestry and Agriculture sector, Civil Society Organisations, Local and Indigenous communities: our 2020 Study Tour will bring these worlds together, to share experiences, inspire action and potentially to develop collaboration across sectors. 

The Agriculture sector is facing the issues that the plantation forestry sector has to meet more than 10 years ago. Large scale conversion of landscapes with attendant loss of biodiversity, an over-reliance upon intensive processes that further reduce biodiversity and diversity in the farm. Allied to this is the need to fundamentally rethink small-holder farming models to tackle inequality. Is there something that the agriculture sector can learn from the forest sector, and the experiences of New Generation Plantations? Is there a way to redesign farming systems as diverse as soya and palm oil so that we can restore biodiversity, and effectively integrate small-holders. 

This 2020 study tour, will take through the historical progress in Bahia over last decade and the remaining challenges to be addressed, in particular looking to territorial governance, the organisational capacity of forest out-growers, and the considerable progress made in the relationship between the plantation forestry companies and the local communities - indigenous, Quilombolas, and landless people. 

The study tour will also address the long way still to go. Specifically, actions to strengthen the landscape approach to include in the process the diverse business models present in the landscape, especially agriculture commodities such as coffee, beef and milk. 

Join us to together co-create a healthy, thriving and sustainable landscape model! 


Having evaluated the evolution of COVID-19 situation in Brazil, it has been decided to proceed with the organisation of the study tour, following the World Health Organisation and Brazilian Health Authorities technical guidance on public health preparedness for events organisation. 

This implies the following changes to the study tour setting:

- Presential Participants will be in reduced numbers, following the Health Authorities events organisation technical guidance. Presential Participants will be by Invitation Only, being conditioned to the constant updating of the evolution of COVID-19 situation in Brazil;

- To the remaining study tour Participants, it will be offered the possibility to Register and Participate by joining remotely.


29 Jun to 01 Jul, 2020

Co-creating Land-Use projects in Southern Bahia

Recording Virtual study tour Day#1 29 June

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